Seductive Phrases to Turn Her On: Men's

13 Simple Phrases to Ignite Her Passion

* "I'm so glad . . . "
* "I understand . . . "
* "Let me tell you . . . "
* "Let's talk about . . . "
* "I've been fantasizing . . . "
* "I'm taking you . . . "
* "I'll draw you . . . "
* "You deserve . . . "
* "I adore . . . "
* "I've always thought . . . "
* "Let's show the kids . . . "
* "I'll meet you . . . "
* "Let me . . . "

By: Amy Levin-Epstein

Relationships are funny things: One partner can be cruising along thinking everything's just fine and dandy, and the other can be curling up inside like a poinsettia after New Year's. One of us is sure we're on the right track, while the other is wondering, "Why don't we talk anymore?" And more often than not, it's the female cohort who's dying for more—more communication, more intimacy, more verbal acknowledgment that you're committed to her happiness.

The reason is simple: When it comes to communication, women are like tropical plants, and men are like cacti. Studies suggest that the average woman speaks 7,000 words a day. The average man mutters just 2,000, and half of those are spoken to clients, colleagues, or the electronic image of John Madden. And it's that discrepancy between our verbal styles and needs that can turn a once-hot relationship into yesterday's oatmeal.

Want proof? Researchers at the University of Washington say they can predict with 90 percent accuracy whether couples will divorce or stay married simply by listening to them talk for a few minutes. After reviewing data from more than 500 couples in discussion, psychologist John Gottman, Ph.D., of the University of Washington's Relationship Research Institute, and applied mathematicians James Murray and Kristin Swanson have come up with a mathematical model that can predict likelihood of divorce. They dub it the "Dow Jones Industrial Average for marital conversation." A 5-to-1 ratio of positive comments to negative ones indicates a healthy marriage, they say. A ratio lower than that suggests trouble ahead.

A simple rule of thumb, then, is to talk more, share more, and be more open with your emotions. But telling a guy to share more is like telling him to eat less meat: Simple in concept, but not so tasty in practice. The solution is to maximize the communication you do have—to know a few simple phrases that will warm her heart and a few other intimate places, as well. If things feel a little chilly, a little distant, or a little lacking in boudoir beatitude, try speaking up. Here's what to say.

Seductive Phrases to Turn Her On: Men's